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MicroSD 2 GB Memory card with SD AdaptorMicroSD 2 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor

TransFlash 2 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor. The adaptor allows the TransFlash card to be inserted into devices that read a full size Secure Digital (SD) card. Use this memory card in your mobile device and other compatible devices.


MicroSD 1 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor

TransFlash 1 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor. The adaptor allows the TransFlash card to be inserted into devices that read a full size Secure Digital (SD) card. Use this memory card to store images and music in your handset.

MicroSD 1 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor

MicroSD 512 MB Memory card with SD AdaptorMicroSD 512 MB Memory card with SD Adaptor

TransFlash 512 GB Memory card with SD Adaptor. The adaptor allows the TransFlash card to be inserted into devices that read a full size Secure Digital (SD) card. Use this memory card in your mobile device and other compatible devices.


Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 8GB

Sony Memory Stcik USB are now discontinued. Alternative products are still available and can be viewed here.Memory Cards.

Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 8GB

Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 4GBSony Micro Vault USB Drive - 4GB

Sony Memory Stcik USB are now discontinued. Alternative products are still available and can be viewed here.Memory Cards.


Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 2GB

Sony Memory Stcik USB are now discontinued. Alternative products are still available and can be viewed here.Memory Cards.

Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 2GB

Sony Micro Vault USB Drive - 1GBSony Micro Vault USB Drive - 1GB

Sony Memory Stcik USB are now discontinued. Alternative products are still available and can be viewed here.Memory Cards.


Memory Cards

Memory Cards available to buy from mPhone online shop, by Type and Size:

Popular Memory Cards:     
MicroSD16GB8 GB4 GB2 GB1 GB
Memory Stick Micro M216GB8 GB4 GB2 GB1 GB
Sandisk DuoPro16GB8 GB4 GB2 GB1 GB
MemoryStick Duo / DuoPro16GB8 GB4 GB2 GB1 GB
Older Memory Cards:     
mini-SD2 GB1 GB512 MB  
MMC1 GB512 MB256 MB  
RS-MMC1 GB512 MB256 MB  
DV RS-MMC1 GB512 MB256 MB  
SD1 GB512 MB256 MB  
SD X66 Speed1 GB512 MB256 MB